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Old 10-19-2012, 08:22 AM   #22
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
I think they were in panic mode after the first debate, but not now.

The last debate should be good. Likely it will be close but Obama has a chance for a decisive win. Unlike Romney, Obama has lived and led US foreign policy for the past 4 years with a list of notable successes.

Romney has to be careful with Libya, it's already blown up on him once because he didn't know the facts and the more info that comes out the more the Administration's story has been reinforced.

Israel? Are you kidding? Sorry we didn't give them a green light to bomb Iran and start a regional conflict, how foolish...

"Romney has to be careful with Libya"

No, he doesn't. He needs to club Obama with Libya as if Obama was a baby seal. And the fortunate thing for Romney is, he doesn't need to be a Biden-esque attack dog to pull that off. This is one of those rare cases where the facts speak for themselves.

"the more info that comes out the more the Administration's story has been reinforced"


The administration's story, for 2 weeks, was that there was no evidence that the attack was anything other than a spontaneous protest over the video. Obama said that, Jay Carney said that, and Ambassador Rice said that.

99% of the information that has come out, has spit directly in the face of that theory.
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