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Old 10-19-2012, 11:42 AM   #27
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
No she didn't, she restated her assertion during the debate which was accurate. Obama did indeed refer to the attack as an act of terror and it also did take two weeks for the Administration to clearly state it was planned by insurgents and not purely spontaneous.

Everything I've read indicates the initial reporting from the scene was that the attack was a response to the video. As the investigation began they appear to have collected evidence that more substantial arms were used signaling it was an attack coordinated by a local militia. There are still some who believe it might have been both...the conservative militia saw the staged outrage on 9/11 from the video and decided to attack.

The only big mistake I see in their story was that Rice wasn't briefed with the latest intel before she went on the Sunday talk shows. I believe they let it sit for a while after that to make sure they had a clearer picture. They certainly could have handled this better, but to claim vast conspiracy is just lame politics.


"Obama did indeed refer to the attack as an act of terror "

Please post where he specifically referred to the Bengazi attack as an act of terror in the Rose Garden speech. He made general statements about "acts of terror", and one could reasonably infer he was talking about that specific attack. But he most crtainly did not specifically call that attack an act of terror, not in the next day's Rose Garden speech.

"Everything I've read indicates the initial reporting from the scene was that the attack was a response to the video"

Then you need to re-think where you're getting your infornmation. You might want to cast the net wider than the Obama Fan Club newsletter.

"The only big mistake I see in their story was that Rice wasn't briefed with the latest intel before she went on the Sunday talk shows"

Days after the attack, Jay Carney said there was no evidence that it was anything other than a response to the video. Obama connected teh attack and the video on Letterman, and at the UN.

Spence, you're entitled to your own opinions. You are not entitled to yoru own facts.

I also want to know (as was asked in the debate, which Obama dodged completely) who rejected the request for additional security, and why? Read the transcript of how completely he refused to even come close to answering the question.
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