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Old 10-23-2012, 04:31 PM   #53
Raider Ronnie
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Rush was good enough to put many clips from Obama's apology tour on the front page of his site today so anyone hear Obama's own words.

It Wasn't Just an Apology Tour, It Was a Condemnation Tour! And We Have All the Evidence to Prove It Right Here... - The Rush Limbaugh Show

Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post

Maybe Obama never used the word "apologize". But read the piece you quoted. Here is what Obama actually said, according to Karl Rove...

Mr. Obama told the French (the French!) that America "has shown arrogance and been dismissive, even derisive" toward Europe. In Prague, he said America has "a moral responsibility to act" on arms control because only the U.S. had "used a nuclear weapon." In London, he said that decisions about the world financial system were no longer made by "just Roosevelt and Churchill sitting in a room with a brandy" -- as if that were a bad thing. And in Latin America, he said the U.S. had not "pursued and sustained engagement with our neighbors" because we "failed to see that our own progress is tied directly to progress throughout the Americas."

You're going to sit there, and tell us, that Obama was not engaging in America-bashing?

When he was in France, did Obama remind the French that the only reason they call themselves "French" and not "subjects of the Reich", is 100% due to Americans' "dismissive" attitude towards Europe? Count the gravestones at the American military cemetary at Normandy, and tell the families of all those dead kids that America doesn't care about Europe.

We have moral responsibility to the rest of the world specifically because we used a nuke? Did we use that nuke in an act of aggression? Did Jimmy Carter fall on the button by accident? Or was it the most humane way (for Americans and especially the Japanese) to end a war that we did not start?

Did Obama mention the fat that we are the most generous country in the history of the planet Earth?

Jesus God Almighty, you're denying that Obama was trying to make up for all of our faults, on that repugnant tour.

How about a shred, just a shred, of honesty here? Rockhound, will it make you feel better if, instead of calling it the "apology tour", we call it the "reprehensible let's bash the awesome legacy of the country that just elected me, while I suck up to the European leaders who are flushing their continent down the toilet, just as I plan to do" tour?

Is that better?

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