Thread: Gods Intention
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Old 10-24-2012, 10:56 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Sea Dangles View Post
I can't get over the story that started when Indiana senate hopeful Richard Mourdock stated that a pregnancy resulting from a rape is Gods intention. Psychos like that are a rare breed, but unnerving none the less.The fact that Romney still supports him is a disappointment too.
Those that don't believe there is such a thing as God or a god would view ANY statement about God's intention as ridiculous. Those of you who believe in God, or some type of Creator or intelligent designer, or even in nature and its evolution--what do you believe is the intended biological consequence of rape? Is the deposit of sperm as a result of rape supposed to result in something other than pregnancy? Is it psychotic to believe that the semen of a rapist is intended to produce pregnancy? Does your God, or Creator, or view of nature, see the fetus as being a different "product" than the fetus derived from consentual sex?

In their deepest and most honest beliefs, all candidates have personal views that are repugnant to the opposition. What is important in our political milieu are the policies that can be effected. If most people view a politician's personal views on a given subject stupid, the chances of policies being passed that support that view are slim to none in a society that adheres to the original U.S. Constitution. A centralized form of government which is not limited by that Constitution, however, can make legislation against the will of the people. So I prefer a politician, who may have what many consider to be quirky personal views, but supports the Consititution, far more than an opponent who believes the Constitution is irrelevant and prefers an all-powerful central government.
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