Thread: Gods Intention
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Old 10-25-2012, 01:09 PM   #24
Jim in CT
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Politically speaking, it's an incredibly stupid thing to say.

I'mnot sure his point, if I understand it correctly, is all that deranged. Anti death penalty folks are mostly opposed to the death penalty because it's immoral to kill a human. If one person is a decent person, and the other is a murderer, the anti-death-penalty advocate says that both are equally deserving if life. There's a lot of logic to that.

Similarly, those who are anti-abortion, can make a case that the details of conception are irrelevent. If the baby is a human being, then it is entitled to protections, regardless of the level of consent involved in the conception. Is a person born of rape less of a person than other people?

I'm not sayng I agree, just arguing for the sake of arguing...
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