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Old 11-06-2012, 07:29 PM   #64
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Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: Southern RI
Posts: 383
Four years ago tomorrow story.

I was fishing/practice conventional casting at the end of the road by the boat launch at Quonnie. Two newer, large pickups pulled up and 3 men around my age (60s) got out. I noted some stickers on the trucks relating to the military and NRA and The Flag of These United States displayed prominently. As the three approached they were loudly expressing their displeasure with the outcome of the election. I listened but decided not to participate. But after a minute or two I heard one or two of these folks express a desire that "the g.d. fool" (might have been an SOB in there as well) screw everything up and an "I hope he really makes a mess of things".

At this point I decide to ask a couple of questions. I said, "You all are patriots... correct?" They acknowledged that they were to a man, definitely patriots.

I then asked, "Well then could you explain how patriots like yourselves would justify hoping that the democratically elected President of These United States would screw everything up and make a real mess of things?"

We fished on in absolute silence. I was grateful that I had asked these questions.. and grateful the I wasn't one of the guys who were asked.

No matter who wins tonight, I will pray for his success. Lord knows we need it and Lord knows we need to pull together at every opportunity.
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