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Old 11-07-2012, 08:53 AM   #83
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Originally Posted by RIJIMMY View Post
maybe we should take this to the political forum, but I wholeheartedly disagree. The president failing does not mean the country fails. To many of us, quite the contrary. I do not think that people who have over 1M in assets when they die, the government has the right to seize (aka TAX) 55% of their assets. I hope the presidents fails in passing the estate tax. I hoped he failed in his health care reform, fails in his tax increases, fails in passing many of the laws the democrats are proposing. I think I am patriotic becasuse I know and care enough that he does fail. Obama gets it. He even said it in his speach last night. This is democracy, arguments and differences of opinion are good. I believe the presidents policies are bad, I want him to fail in passing them. Nothing to be ashamed about that. I would look him in the eye and tell him myself.
They didn't say they wanted him to fail... they expressed a desire to see him screw everything up. I just thought it odd at best that anyone who says they are American and believe in our system would want to see any President screw everything up no matter what they think about his getting elected. I liked what Romney said last night... pray for him. Seemed like a better idea and more appropriate for our form of government. Of course that's just me.
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