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Old 11-08-2012, 12:30 AM   #65
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Originally Posted by JohnR View Post
I fear that should we stay on the same path WRT national debt / taxes / employment that it is not inconceivable that we are probably 4 election cycles away from a no #^&#^&#^&#^& civil war or serious state level discussions of secession. When Texas says Eff this what will stop them?
The path we stay on is determined by the form of government from which that path is created. Our current system of government is no longer the founding system which would have made it extremely difficult, if not impossible, for the Federal Government to spend us into such a massive debt. The founding system did not grant it the power to do so. The far greater power to spend and regulate and decide economic and social matters resided in sovereign states united by compact into a republic, not a democracy. Under the pretense of being purely a democracy, that original system has been, for the most part, discarded, and transformed into one of supreme central power which operates more as a regulator/owner of social and economic matters, and as one state, and one which is not really even a democracy. The massive regulatory bureaucracy which promulgates the bulk of rules and regulations which determine the path we take is not elected. It has plenary power to do as it wishes. This is not a democracy, much less a republic. And that bureaucracy of "experts" are "responsible only to each agency's narrow mission, not to the overall economic health of the nation.

And the massive debt, to a great degree, is required to feed the results created by that bureaucracy. Speeches and promises of cutting or raising taxes, of creating jobs, of stimulating the economy, of providing free birth control, of deciding what marriage is, none of which were originally the purview of central government are side issues that not only make concrete the administrative, undemocratic system, but hide the fact of its existence. A dialogue about a fiscal cliff is useless if its cause is not a part of the discussion. Blather about fiscal responsibility solves nothing. Political tinkering, rather than total government reformation, will not stop the growth of a system that has created more dependants than producers. The health care bill will now be set in stone. The Supreme Court will become even more of an enabler of this system rather than a check against it. The road back to originalism is not a path that will be taken if the people choose not to do so. The present course will continue.

Last edited by detbuch; 11-08-2012 at 12:40 AM..
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