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Old 11-08-2012, 11:44 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by JohnR View Post
The last election might say otherwise.

And don't get me wrong, I like Rubio. I'm not convinced that he is the guy.

The "guy" is a rare phenomenon in life, even more so in politics. Waiting for the guy is almost like Waiting for Godot. Again, as always, I refer back to the original constitutional system that was not dependent on "the guy." It was intended not to. It was largely a system of self-government with the guy in the White House being in charge of a few limited responsibilities. What we have now, of course, is a system where the guy (usually one of middling intellect and ability)in that House is somehow responsible for just about everything. No wonder that the guy is always making mistakes that have to be covered up or glossed over or excused by media accomplices--why he might not been on top of a Benghazi situation (which, ironically, would have been one of the few types of responsibilities that the Constitutiuon actually gives him). We have been suckered into a top down system of government that has grown too large to handle for those who run it. The dispersion of power and responsibility created in the Constitution, if followed, would go a very long way to alleviating the problem. No system of government or society will be problem free. But if freedom is the goal, and if freedom is the key to economic prosperity and the key to individual responsibility, then the original constitutional system of governance beats the crap out of the current tyrannical administrative system.

We - as in the US a we / us, not a they / them. WE keep kicking the can down the road. How is that for bipartisanship .
That is why waiting for the guy is no answer. And why treating the "can" as some entity that can willingly be kicked in various directions down various roads by the switch of some ballot buttons that only elect middling guys to govern our lives by a top down central system is no answer. They will keep kicking that can down the same road in basically the same direction because that is the road our current system has built for them. There are not other roads on which to kick it, unless they build new ones or find their way back to a good one--you know--the one that begins with a capital letter C.
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