Thread: Lay Offs
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Old 11-13-2012, 01:48 PM   #49
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
Raider Ronnie,

It must suck to hate your country so much that you'd want to break it in 2. I wonder how the red states will pay their bills w/o the blue states to subsidize them.


Paul, the red states own most of the oil, natural gas, and farmland. They also own 90% of the trade with south america and most of the industry in the US.

I guess Paul missed that part of the trade about who would get who. I think he also missed that the separation was not about hate but mutual disagreement--an amicable "divorce." Maybe he was just projecting his own emotion.

The subsidies you reference dont come from blue states, they come from all states and its not just blue paying into the pot. If we didnt have all these federal programs and taxes, maybe there wouldnt be a need for subsidies?
Good point. And subsidies not only create their own need, they are a method of controlling. They are not entirely about nice-nice.
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