Thread: Lay Offs
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Old 11-13-2012, 06:33 PM   #75
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
We live in a democracy. If the majority don't think it is robbery, it will stay the way.
Just because the majority doesn't consider it robbery, doesn't mean it's not robbery. A majority doesn't, in and of itself, imply righteousness. I point you to days when the majority thought slavery was OK, or when a majority thought the Holocaust was OK.

If you take a poll of 6 robbers and 4 victims, and ask them if robbery should be OK, what result would you expectf?

Obama, and the media, have successfully fooled a majprity of voters that our economic problems are, in some meaningful way, due to the fcat that wealthy don't "pay their fair share".

Fine. I hope the GOP rolls over and lets this Mao-ist run wild with his lefty agenda. That way, when the inevitable collapse happens, no one will be able to claim that it wasn't caused by liberalism.

Pure, unchecked liberalism has worked so well in CT, why wouldn't we want to extrapolate that mess to the whole country? CT's economy is an absolute, unmitigated disaster. And it doesn't get any more purely liberal than here in my state, has been that way for a generation. No one sees a connection between those 2 things. Unbelievable.

I heard a woman on the radio this week. She was a liberal. She used to live in New York, but she couldn't afford the taxes and cost of living, so she moved to Florida, which has lower taxes and a much lower cost of living. She doesn't like how conservative Florida is, so she suppports liberalism in Florida. Liberalism forced her to move across the country, and now she wants to infest Florida with the same disease, and she sees nothing ironic or stupid with that.

You can't cure stupid.
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