Thread: The GOP
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Old 11-16-2012, 12:43 PM   #3
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Fly Rod View Post
The republicans have no one to blame but them selves for the loss...we R in the 21st century, U do not tell a woman what she can and can't do with their body.... can not tell a woman she can not abort a fetues regardless of how one feels about it...we R a diverse nation racially and ethicnally recognising several ethnic groups....did U ever notice the makeup of people at Romney's rallies...98% white...U really had to look hard to see an indian, black or asian at any....repubs need to change their platform to conform with today's way of life
"we R in the 21st century"

Two years ago, I believe we were still in the same century, and the GOp opened up an historic can of whoop-ass.

"U do not tell a woman what she can and can't do with their body"

This is very important. The abortion issue is not about telling a woman what she can do with her is about the is what I mean by that.

Every state has laws that prohibit female teachers from having sex with underage male students. You said you don't tell a woman what to do with her body. So are you therefore opposed to these laws that limit the choices a woman can make regarding her own body?

Like anti-abortion laws, those are laws that tell women what they cannot do with their body. Yet I have never, not once, heard a liberal saying those laws should be overturned because "government can't tell a women what to do with her body". Why doesn't anyone suggest that?

Simple. Because in this case, we all agree that a woman cannot choose what to do with her own body, if that choice causes harm to another person.

The pro-life argument is based on the same exact premise. The same exact premise.

Abortion isn't about women's choice, no more than laws that prohibit female teachers from having sex with male students are about "women's choice". Its about whether or not the unborn baby constitutes "another person" who has the same rights that you and I have.

The GOP didn't lose this election on abortion. The latest polling shows that a very, very small number of Americans are now opposed to abortion.

"repubs need to change their platform to conform with today's way of life"

Again, did you forget what happened only 2 years ago? Furthermore, the popular vote for President was 51-49. It was not a rout.

The GOP doesn't need to change it's beliefs. We need to tell those demographic groups you mention why our beliefs are better for them, than liberal beliefs. That's tough to do when every network except for one, claims that we hate women, hate gays, are cannibals, etc...
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