Thread: The GOP
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Old 11-16-2012, 01:06 PM   #4
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Fly Rod View Post
.repubs need to change their platform to conform with today's way of life
A year or so ago, Paul Ryan revealed his plan to deal with the looming Medicare crisis. His plan improved the financial solvency of Medicare by assuming that future seniors woul get lower benefits.

What did Domocrats do? Did they deny that Medicare is in fiscal trouble? No. Did they offer an alternate way to cut costs? No. They made a commercial showing Ryan pushing an old lady off a cliff. That's as dishonest as it gets, but it worked on you.

We don't need to change our core values. We just need to look for forums where we can have an honest discussion about the merits of what we believe. But Democrats will do anything to avoid that. It's a lot easier to paint Republicans as monsters than it is to explain why reckless spending is healthier than fiscal responsibility.

We don't need to change our core values. Democrats (and the media) need to stop lying about what our core values are, so that an honest debate can ensue. If that ever happens, that's the end of liberalism. Because it's indefensible, and it's demonstrably unproductive.
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