Thread: The GOP
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Old 11-16-2012, 07:44 PM   #11
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by likwid View Post
Uhm, those laws are to protect children. You'll twist ANYTHING to fit your agenda won't you?

Yes Jim, we know, you're always right, your opinions are the only ones that matter, you're the best person on earth, everyone else is wrong.
I'm not twisting anything. I'm saying the 2 are, if not identical, then they are analagous. The death penalty is the same thing (which I am opposed to). I feel that excedpt in true self-defense, the taking of life is not our right.

Likwid, liberals believe that Osama Bin Laden has more of a right to live, than un unborn baby. Try defending that.

I never said I'm a;ways right. These are tough issues. What I said was, liberals should have the intellectual honesty of framing the argument correctly. What I mean is should not claim that I am anti-choice, because that means you are also anti-choice in the case of statutory rape.

Abortion isn't about choice. It's about whether or not you believe the unborn has rights. Liberals like to frame it as about choice, and it's dishonest. Because I'm sure you're opposed to women chosing to use their bodies to hurt babies, right?
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