Thread: The GOP
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Old 11-16-2012, 07:51 PM   #12
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
Well, I'd wager that Jim believes a handful of cells just after conception is also I child.

Spence, do most liberals only support abortion up until "just after conception"? Hell, no. So what's your point? Your hero Obama literally supported the right of women to kill their babies afetr they were born, out of the womb and disconnected from the mother.

So you tell me Spence, which position is the more monstrous? Mine, or Obama's? My position is born out of compassion for the defenseless. Obama's position is literally, truly, monstrous. Snack on that.

Spence, have you seen a 5-month ultrasound? Is that a "handful of cells"?

Spence, are you up for an honest exercise? Can you answer ONE DIRECT QUESTION?

Spence, at what point do you think abortion (at least 'convenience' abortions) should be illegal?

Let's say you say abortion is legal until 7 months. Why 7 months? What's magical about that time? What happens one second before that, that turns the baby into a human being at the next second? Do the head and shoulders suddenly pop out at that moment? No. That's why picking a random time, at which you call the baby a 'person', makes no sense. None.

From conception until death, life is a slow, gradual, continuous process. There is only one moment when something gets created that wasn't there before - the moment of conception.
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