Thread: The GOP
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Old 11-16-2012, 10:00 PM   #15
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Fly Rod View Post
Jim here is one for U..."A man conquers woman he is a king ...what is a woman?

jim I am a conservative...I do not belive in the dems or repubs...when it comes to any vote I'm an udecided

U must be a strict catholic...after what has gone on over the years with the catholics ....praying on kids....banging women and still talking about the cloth....let it go

I believe in women rights and the repubs do not agree
"..."A man conquers woman he is a king ...what is a woman?"

I honestly don't know what you mean by that or what you are asking.

"after what has gone on over the years with the catholics ....praying on kids"

Again, you are buying into lies that the media is perpetuating, aimed at whom they disagree with.

Yes, a small number of priests and bishops were involved in a monstrous scandal. Those pedophiles (actually, homosexual predators) were not acting on behalf of the Church, and they do not speak for Catholics, and their crimes are not condoned by the Church.

FlyRod, do you know that rates of child predation are actually higher in public schools than they are in Catholic Churches? But you don't see that reported. Because the media, and teachers union, are on the same political side. That same lefty media hates the Catholic Church.

Again, I'm not making light of what happened. But you cannot hold tens of millions of Catholics responsible for what a small number of criminals did. If you do that, you must assume all blacks are irresponsible gang-bangers who impregnate women and then head off to prison.

In this country, the Catholic Church provides more charity than any organization, other than the US Government. For you to paint us all as pedophiles is ignorant, repugnant, and deeply offensive.

"I believe in women rights and the repubs do not agree"

If you say that abortion is simply about "woman's rights" after what I posted before, you're either not listening, or I didn't say it clearly.

FlyRod, do you believe a female teacher has the "woman's right" to have intercourse with a male student? If the answer is no, then using your logic (or lack thereof), I can say that you are opposed to woman's rights. Who are you to tell a female teacher what she can and cannot do with her body?

Lastly, the notion that Catholism is antithetical to women's rights is patently absurd. Have you ever once been to Catholic mass? Half the parishoners are, wait for it, women. Why is that?

You don't see blacks joining the Klan. Ditto Jews in the Nazi party. But millions and millions of bright, selfless woman proudly call themselves Catholic.

FlyRod, how do you explain that?

Think about it FlyRod. Please don't look to MSNBC for your answer.

you want to know what Catholics are about? Go to a Catholic school, and see all the great teachers who work for a fraction of what they could make at a public school. Go to a Catholic homeless shelter, and see all the selfless volunteers taking care of the homeless. Go to a Catholic soup kitchen, and look at the volunteers who serve food every single day, to poor people. Lastly, go to a Catholic hospital at 9:00 at night. You'll see heroic priests, at the end of a 12-hour day, selflessly praying with the sick, comforting them, giving the Communion.

Catholics are human, which means we are all far, far from perfect. we suffer from all the same imperfections and vices as the rest of society. We are not, however, a bunch of pedophiles. You have been lied to, and successfully been duped.
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