Thread: The GOP
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Old 11-17-2012, 01:30 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by Fly Rod View Post
The republicans have no one to blame but them selves for the loss...we R in the 21st century, U do not tell a woman what she can and can't do with their body.... can not tell a woman she can not abort a fetues regardless of how one feels about it...we R a diverse nation racially and ethicnally recognising several ethnic groups....did U ever notice the makeup of people at Romney's rallies...98% white...U really had to look hard to see an indian, black or asian at any....repubs need to change their platform to conform with today's way of life
You seem to be arguing for government by demographics. Why would that be peculiar to the 21st century? How would that even be possible? Isn't the nature of government a cohesive force that binds diverse peoples by a common code? Without that common code and cohesion, wouldn't anarchy prevail? That most minorities gravitate toward the Democrat party does not make its particular codes better. Nor does it make those codes more "diverse." Those codes, again, are a cohesive force to bind, not to scatter.

Republicans believe their way is "better," and apparently about half the country is with them, including women. The difference that should matter is which is the best type of governance, not which groups like one or the other more. The mission for Republicans should be to persuade the minorities that their vision is the better one for all. It should not be to change that vision to suit various groups. And it should escpecially, in my opinion, maintain governance in the direction of constitutional principles. There is a distinct difference between the constitutional system and the one we have and the direction the present one is heading. It should preserve, conserve, the principles of limited government and individual sovereignty. If it surrenders to the collectivist direction of the Democrat party, it will surrender its reason to exist. And if it cannot convince the "minorities" that its vision is best for them rather than the nanny state, the GOP may well disappear.
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