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Old 11-21-2012, 09:39 AM   #9
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
It's interesting...

She has a really impressive resume.

The recent reporting and testimony appears to dissolve the conspiracy theory that she was either uninformed or intentionally misleading the American people.

Jack, were you going to revise your post?

'She has a really impressive resume."

So did Justice Robert Bjork.

Spence, she said somethinig on 5 national TV shows, that every single fair-minded person, even at that time, knew was a crock. That means either she lied, or she's stupid. No third option.

There has never been, and never will be, a spontaneous riot that involves the use of mortars. One does not just happen to carry them around.

Furthermore, the CIA annex in Benghazi does not have a sign on the front lawn displaying that it's a CIA building. There was OBVIOUSLY some pre-planning involved. Anyone who isn't convinced of that, is too stupid for the job.

Of course, all republican opopsition to her nomination has already been labeled as sexist and racist by your liberal ilk. It's just not comprehensible to the liberals that we want to do better than to have a lying moron as SecState. We already have a SecState who is a lying moron, we don't need two in a row. Because as I recall, and correct me if I'm wrong, Hilary claimed that on an overseas trip, she had to DIVE! into the Humvee because of sniper fire at the airport. When video showed that to be a lie, her excuse was that she was tired from the night before.
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