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Old 11-21-2012, 05:32 PM   #12
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
Big difference with a lifetime appointment.

Even Petreus who testified there were reports it did start as a protest? Rice said it appeared to have started as a spontaneous protest and then extremists quickly moved in. Other reports were that the militants had a few people go out front shouting to make it look like there was a protest.

Any way you cut it the reports don't indicate an administration cover up.

You seriously don't think a well armed militia couldn't scrounge up a mortar in 6 hours? Jesus Jim, the entire reason the CIA annex was there in the first place was a mission to curb the PROLIFERATION OF WEAPONS.

The CIA annex wasn't attacked until 5am. It was only a mile away. The attackers clearly could have just followed them back there.

You still haven't read anything reported on this tragic event have you?

"the reports don't indicate an administration cover up"

Spence, have the reports divulged who denied the requests for extra security, and why? Stevens sent all kinds of supporting evidence for why he was requesting extra security. Not only did he not get extra security, he ended up with less security, as they removed 2 teams out of there, against the wishes of those whose lives were at stake.

"You still haven't read anything reported on this tragic event have you?"

Do us both a favor, and stop patronizing me. I've read plenty. Unlike you, I don't limit myself to sources that are fanatically pro-Obama.

This tragic event was easily preventable if our commander-in-chief didn't believe that his charming smileis are all it takes to make us safer. Just because you have a teenage infatuation with Obama (you remind me of my first girlfriend with New Kids On The Block), doesn't mean our enemies do.

Last edited by Jim in CT; 11-21-2012 at 05:42 PM..
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