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Old 11-26-2012, 06:43 AM   #73
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by scottw View Post
don't know about all of that but Obama did win and the Republicans are in the minority in the Senate and McCain can't complain about anything as he's a panderer extraordinaire, the same people that will pat him on the back and extoll the virtues of the "maverick" when he's being "reasonable" will viciously attack him at the first opportunity on something like this and call him a racist, shouldn't surprise anyone, there are many things that are currently unavoidable....4 more years of Obama is one, further implementation of Obamacare is another(although, I just read an article in The Hill detailing the many issues they're having setting up the exchanges which will cause major problems)....a day of reckoning is coming regarding Federal spending and they can't increase taxes enough to keep up with spending and there is no will to reduce spending and more Americans seem to become dependant on government with each passing day, I think many Americans have "checked out" in many ways.....there are unavoidable problems abroad both economically and militarily which will compound problems here....Obama has not only fundamentally changed America, he's effectively divided it and will continue to because that is the key to his success, with the majority of the media acting as a propoganda machine for him the Republicans only play into his hand when they oppose him on something like this.....
"call him (McCain) a racist, shouldn't surprise anyone"

First, we shouldn't be surprised by it, that doesn't mean we shouldn't be appalled by it. Second, I bet it comes as surprise to his adopted daughter, who isn't white.
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