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Old 12-12-2012, 10:01 AM   #17
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by RIJIMMY View Post
you know, my dad was union. I remember him worrying all the time about someone "bumping" him. That would be some dolt that had more seniority in another dept that could come in and take the day shift away from him and he would go on nights. I remember that happening many times. Its nothing to do with his experience, skill, quality, etc. it was all about seniority. This created a culture similar to the survivor reality show, people working the system to get into day roles, moving to groups without layoffs, corrupt union guys giving favors. After close to 25 yrs, my dad had a nervous breakdown as his company was tanking and the day to day politics and backstabbing of the union process was too much for him to handle. Stratford, Bridgeport Ct are manufactring wastlenads due to unions. F the unions. I'll compare my salary and benefits any day to someone in a union. If given the chance to be a lion or a sheep most people will gladly join the herd and thats why unions survive
My favorite union younger brother is a public schoolteacher. When he was in the union, his middle school was having trouble with fistfights among students when they were in the halls between periods. The principal asked the teachers if they would, when the bell rings at the end of a period, stand at the doorway and watch the hallways as the kids were walking to the next class. When the union found out, they sent the teachers a letter (my brother still has it) instructing the teachers to refuse. According to the union, the teachers are "on break" between periods, and if the school wants teachers "working" by observing the hallway, the town would have to pay teachers extra. Most teachers happily complied with the union's request. So taking 5 minutes to read the paper was more important than student safety.

After he sued to get out of the union, he got 15 or 20 harassing phone calls a day. He called the police, had to get an unlisted phone number.

In Michigan yesterday, a conservative group had a big tent set up at the capital building. The union mob couldn't have that, so they attacked the tent like the Nazis storming into Poland, knocking it down while women were still in there.

In Detroit, 2 school discticts had to close for the day, because all the teachers called in sick to protest the proposed law. In these districts, less than 10% of the students can read and do math at their grade level. The very last thing those kids need is an unscheduled day away from school.

Gimme, gimme, gimme.
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