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Old 12-18-2012, 01:42 PM   #59
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Nothing can be done about the nuts. When a person goes nuts he's dangerous , that's the nature of humans , they are dangerous. Nothing in the world is deadly than a human who has decided to kill.

I think the arming of people has a lot of merit. These psychos are basically cowards. They go after defenseless people because they are easy targets who are not going to shoot back. As soon as anyone with a weapon arrives at the scene they nuts kill themselves because they are afraid to be taken alive and have to face the punishment. So if they know or even think there may be armed people to face , they will stay away because they are cowards.

How do you go about arming the good people without giving more nuts the oppurtunity to be in amongst the sheep when they go haywire? I was once at a college dance/Beer party where a rent a cop , pulled out his handgun because a student walked out of the party with a beer. This guy was waving his gun all around within a crown of about 100 people all just standing on the walkways outside the dance. Without a doubt he was the most dangerous person there but he was purposely hired to be there to protect people. Anyway , you get the point that having armed peole around could backfire in many more circumstances than the rare event they are supposed to prevent.

I am not a gun control type. In fact I lean way the other way in the direction of arming everyone but you have to be careful about purposely planting wolves amongst the sheep. Most would agree that it would have been great if even one armed person had been there to empty their weapon into this nut but will there be a net gain or lose in safety by planting armed gunmen in all these public places?

I do like the idea of some more rigorous security features for school entry. People will figure out ways to bypass them but it may discourage some of the borderline nut cases.

The other thing that comes to my mind is the glorification of mass violence in todays movies and games. just 50 years ago a TV show had a white hat good guy and a black hat bad guy. Despite trying all ways to avoid a confrontation , the good guy was eventually forced to shoot the bad guy. Now movies start out with the supposed good guys wiping out a hundred unknowns just to get the action scenes rolling. Its now part of the culture kids grow up with to see mass murders taking place every day on TV and at the movies. All this teaching of killing as an insignificant thing gets imbedded into the minds of kids and then when they get older and go off the deep end , they act out. All this violence sells movie tickets and TV advertising. So for the sake of earning a few bucks , we create ticking timebombs.

Bottom line is that society has lost its moral values and the value of life is greatly discounted. For the most part the cowardly nuts do go after the easiest and softest targets. I don't think there is much that can be done about it in the short term . In the long term I think we need to get back to teaching that the hero is the person who stands up , even when alone , to injustice and not the super hero paramilitary who along with his gang of ex military go aroung killing hundreds of people at once and are considered a hero for doing it.

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