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Old 12-19-2012, 08:41 PM   #28
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by The Dad Fisherman View Post
All Generations have had there such thing as easier.

My Dad's Generation had people dieing from Tuberculosis, he lost a sister at 16 to Polio. Those diseases are virtually unheard of nowadays. There's always been challenges.

You had the issues of segregation down south. Black men couldn't vote at 1 time, women couldn't vote either.....things change.

There have been wars consistently every 20-30 years since the Revolutionary war. This country is constantly changing....always will be.

There will always be challenges as long as humans roam the earth.....human nature.
"All Generations have had there such thing as easier."

Please. Compared to my father's generation, my generation pays astronomically more for housing, healthcare, retirement, and kids' college. In my dad's generation, you could skip college and have a middle class income. In his generation, it was common for moms to not have to work. In his generation, white collar workers commonly got raises of 5% - 10%. In his generation, workers had guaranteed pensions.

That would show that my dad's generation (he is 75) had it "easier". No worries about terrorism, no worries about banks wiping out your retirement or college savings with fishy derivitives.

In my Dad's generation, huge companies did not have massive layoffs or downsizing, it didn't happen.
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