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Old 12-20-2012, 12:28 AM   #30
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Originally Posted by RIJIMMY View Post
I guess this is not politcal but I figuered id bring up here.
I have to admit Im a pretty depressed american. I just dont see the things I want to see for my children in this country. My kids both have holiday parties at school today. We received a multi-paragraphed email detailing the procedures for us to come into the class, all kinds of security I need to go through just to go to my kids party. Part of me is glad they are doing this, it helps ensure my kids safety, but mostly I cant believe this is the world I live in. I feel the same way when I am at the airport. Watching my kids remove their shoes and go through the detectors. We are not Isreal, France, Lebanon, etc. I feel less free than ever. Cameras at every stop light, security at schools. This really sucks. I cant stand when people say "vote, people died for your right". Thats horsechit. people died for our right to live safely and freely. And we've lost that. Its gone. We've lost. People think this is political BS and none of this stuff matters, but it truly bothers me that Mansfield MA schools banned cupcakes, banned the holiday concert. More and more is taken away from us. My dad grew up in the 40s-50s. If you compared my childhood in the 70-80s. we pretty much did the same things with the exception of telvision. We played outside, rode bikes, built forts, football, etc. Now its all prearranged, play dates, activitites. All freedom lost. Most of my life I didnt give a crap, never followed politics, now i feel my view of american is under constant assault. Its rapidly going. Can someone cheer me up? Am I wrong here? How is this not going to get worse?
Hey, Jimmy, buck up! You have all that you need to be happy. Your family and the ability to provide for it and the fortune to be nurtured by it. From your posts that I've read, it seems your head is screwed on right.

I understand your concerns about what is happening to our country, and agree that much of what America was is under assault. But that was always so and will be. That assault has been growing more successful over the past generation or two. But we cannot escape from that "eternal war in nature." The only hopeful response is to fight back. Teach your kids principles (which I'm sure you do) and live by those principles. Prepare them to make their own life rather than to expect that good life will be given to them. I believe the deepest and most persistent happiness is that derived from your own effort, not from the fleeting little toys given to you for momentary pleasure (but keep giving the toys as well). Those spoiled by easy comfort and lack of effort constantly seek "good times" to fill lives empty of personal satisfaction, lasting love, and a solid connection to society or to life itself. From the things you've said here, I'm sure you don't spoil your children and do instill good values--just trying to lift your spirits by reminding you that you are doing what will make you happy. Sometimes we get down on ourselves when we feel we aren't doing enough, or are helpless to, for those we love.

I understand your concerns with the direction our country is taking and have the same concerns myself. Past American societies were lived more based on principles. Our current "mainstream" culture has evolved from a trend to lift anchors and to abandon meaning, or absolutes, in a landless sea of relativity. That might be good for some scientific inquiry, but it wreaks havoc on the common psyche, or dare I say soul. The loss of freedom, the lurking and ever present dangers that shouldn't exist in an advanced society, I believe, are results of that disconnection. And the societal and political responses compound the loss of freedom by a growing micromanagement of our lives for our welfare and security. The result is an opposite feeling of dependence and lack of power or control of our own lives.

Don't let it get you down. You do have the power to provide for your family and to teach your children fundamentals that will give them the power to do the same. I can't think of anything more gratifying than that.
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