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Old 12-25-2012, 09:43 AM   #10
Hydro Orientated Lures
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Originally Posted by RIJIMMY View Post
i dont think so. he would cite the great advances in race relations. he had mostly african american friends grwoing up and expercienced racism first hand, he loved the advances in technology in his lifetime.
he went to school same as i did, played outside same as I did. Im pretty sure he would say that things have improved from his childhood.
Can I say the same for my kids? Are things better now?
Im not willing to embrace police at schools, security everywhere, less and less freedom. its not how I want my kids to live.
Places in time I guess .. funny ,, I just saw the history of xmas on the history channel . Very telling . Children were not valued as much in this country until after the industrial revolution . I guess they were factory workers before that . They became the center of the home during the Victorian age . Santa Claus was invented ,, later songs ,, Rudolph ,, White Christmas.. This all happened 50's early 60's .. 1962 (Charles #^&#^&#^&#^&ens) A Christmas Carol with Mr. Magoo was the best telling of that story ever . As beautiful time as it was to grow up, all this Santa Claus stuff was fueled by advertisers. Even Santa coming down the chimney was a ad to sell Coal originally . enter Black Friday,,, Now people going out shopping is becoming less and pushing buttons in your home buying on the internet is becoming the norm ,, I believe that's black Monday ? ,, the busiest shopping day now .. For better or worse we never stand still .. We evolve ..

Belcher Goonfoock (retired)
(dob 4-21-07)
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