Thread: NRA
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Old 12-30-2012, 11:32 AM   #10
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by TheSpecialist View Post
Have you ever had a gun pointed at you?
There are two types of people in this world, Fight or Flight, and 99.9 % are flight type people.
If a guys is fumbling with a magazine any unarmed person is going to take flight, so he will just change it out and keep going. An armed person is more likely to make a stand and end the situation, but since there are fewer legally armed citizens in the country than unarmed, you will end up with more casualties, and less people putting an end to the threat. Most people who are adept with firearms are not going to let a magazine change stop them from their intent.

BTW I know what it is like to have a gun stuck in my face as a victim of an Armed Robbery when I was 16, it is not a very pleasant feeling, and believe me if my cousin had a gun behind the counter I would have fought back...
I'm not anti-gun, I am aware of what happens in cities where guns are banned. All I'm saying is, and this is irrefutable, it's harder for the averake kook to kill large numbers of people with a handgun than it is with a rifle.

You're talking about typical street crime. I'm talking about the much rarer situation where someone snaps and wants to kill as many people as possible. I'm not talking robbery, I'm talking about random mass murder. In that scenario, I'm pretty sure we are all better off if that guy has a handgun than a rifle with a high-capacity magazine.

To answer your question, I am a combat vet. And every time I was in for-real combat, I would have been much happier if the bad guys had handguns instead of automatic weapons.

You people are denying that guns are more dangerous than my bare hands, and denying that machine guns are more lethal than handguns? I don't get that argument.

"If a guys is fumbling with a magazine any unarmed person is going to take flight,"

Wrong. Tell that to the principal and the psychologist of Sandy Hook school who died rushing the shooter while he was still shooting. If that kook had to stop to re-load at that time, there is a getter chance they could have overpowered him just long enough for the cavalry to arrive.

I would never say that banning high capacity magazines will end crime. However, I can't believe some people are denying that these weapons make it easier to kill large numbers of people. why do you think the Marines are issued rifles? To twirl around at parades? For the exercise we get carrying them around?
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