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Old 01-01-2013, 07:33 AM   #3
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I blame the voters...those who decided to leave this President in office on his current course of "fundamental change", who continually vote the people back in to office who have made such a mess with unsustainable and unkept promises while claiming that they are best qualified to fix the mess....who voted to maintain an unsustainable and ever growing dependency state under the fallacy that raising taxes on 1% or 2% of their fellow Americans is the best way to ensure the flow of gifts from government..... who ignore the founding of this country and the principles onwhich it's foundation was laid and who swoon at the voices of the sophists whose promises always fall short....they voted to not only continue the current course of government dependence but also to expand it through Obamacare and whatever else might be devised to sell the electorate on better living at "government's" expense....the only way to attampt to pay for it is through higher taxes on "all" earners and massive military cuts.....and even then...we're still screwed, it's not the inability to cut a deal in Washington that forced us over the "fiscal cliff"'s the inability of the electorate to recognize the danger that the ever expanding bureaucracy and it's profligate spending poses...Happy New Year
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