Thread: NRA
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Old 01-03-2013, 06:14 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
I don't see anything in the constitution about what 'types' of arms we are entitled to bear. Do you?

Jim, there is nothing in the Constitution that says the Federal Government can choose which types of arms you can bear. It prohibits that government from denying you the right to bear "arms" not which type of arms. The Constitution is basically, as Obama likes to say, a charter of negative liberties. It denies the Federal Government, and to some extent even state governments, all liberties except those specifically granted to it. If it does not grant the gvt. freedom to legislate on a matter, the gvt. cannot do so. There are no provisions in the Constitution, neither in the defined powers granted to the central government, nor in the enumerations within those powers to violate your right to bear arms. Of course, the Constitution has, as you say, been trampled, so what the heck, keep on trampling.

We have collectively decided that banning machine guns and . . .
Collectively banning rather than doing so by ammendment is the type of danger that the Constitution attempted to avert. Collective banning of constitutional rights is the tyranny of the majority over the minority. Collective rule rather than the rule of law is the reason the Founders chose a republic rather than a democracy.

Jim, I understand very well your objections to private ownership of certain weapons. But, even though you have not given any credence to it, the expressed reason for the second ammendment was none of the things you cite. You are, apparently, reluctant to include that reason in what you consider a "serious discussion."
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