Thread: NRA
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Old 01-26-2013, 11:29 AM   #349
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Originally Posted by JohnnyD View Post
Again, since you continually ignore my replies, what is "reasonable control"? What is the statistical evidence to support any of the legislation being proposed in any state or at the federal level?
I don't ignore your replies, I'm just not paying attention.

But as for gun control, it's certainly been studied and found that more guns = more gun crimes and stricter gun laws employed in other country has indeed had a significant impact on gun violence.

The challenge in the US is that there are so many firearms to begin with...the AWB was too short and too full of loopholes to provide a dramatic impact. That being said, the Feinstein proposal does cite several studies of it's benefits.

Care to support your claim that "public opinion is heavy on reasonable control"?
You could cite polls all day. We'll use yours.

Seems more like the public would like existing laws to be enforced, see:
57% Think Enforcing Current Gun Laws More Important Than Creating New Laws - Rasmussen Reports
"just 32% of American Adults believe creation of new gun control laws is more important. Fifty-seven percent (57%) think more emphasis should be put on stricter enforcement of existing gun control laws."

65% See Gun Rights As Protection Against Tyranny - Rasmussen Reports
"Not surprisingly, 72% of those with a gun in their family regard the Second Amendment as a protection against tyranny. However, even a majority (57%) of those without a gun in their home hold that view. " (emphasis mine)

If someone wants to claim bias, this is from an organization whose head *wants* Congress to enact more laws:
Rasmussen on gun violence: taking no action ‘perfectly wrong’ |
I like how your last link cites 86% of Americans favoring stricter background checks

Also, they people don't think the government can ban guns in a broad sense does in no way counter public opinion that we need more comprehensive control.

How about the Gallop poll? 51% against a new AWB.
Are you reading your own polls? This one says 50% of people favor stricter laws. 51% are dissatisfied with current law, A slim majority favors passing new laws over enforcement of existing challenging your earlier claim.

So, once again spence, how about putting away feel good terms like "reasonable control" and actually being explicit? Provide some support that "public opinion is heavy on reasonable control".
See above.

Also, do you still disagree with Clinton and think it wasn't their gun control measures in '94 that beheaded the Democrats for almost a decade?
Why would my position change?

Last edited by spence; 01-26-2013 at 12:54 PM..
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