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Old 02-26-2013, 09:34 PM   #4
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by RIJIMMY View Post
this is not a "gotcha" question, I really want to know how you feel about this.
In January, we raised taxes. There is no debate. It wasnt just a rate increase. for people with high incomes, its divs, cap gains etc. its a decent increase.
So, here is my question. Obama promised to go line by line, cut spending. There have been so many times broad statements - 800 billion cuts here, no details, etc. Now we have a 85B pending cut and its a HUGE deal. WHY?
Obama promised to cut. Where is his plan for 800B and why cant we implement 10% of that and be good?
WHy are tax increases still the ONLY SOLUTION Obama can come up with? How do you guys see this?
(please no lib bashing - Im looking for an honest response)
Here's the answer. The Democrats, at the national level, have to keep spending. Well-funded (yet utterly ineffective) social programs guarantee that Democrats can gather a coalition of voters among African Americans, Hispanic Americans, academia, labor unions, and die-hard liberals. They need that coalition to defeat those who buy into elementary school arithmetic.

I have asked Spence and Paul S to please show me the math that shows that we can put any kind of meaningful dent in our fiscal problems, with tax hikes. And all I get is chirping crickets for an answer.

We need tens and tens of trillions of dollars before the baby Boomers are gone. Do the liberals admit that, at least? Or do they deny that?I truly wish we could get there, simply by tweaking tax rates on the billionaires. Spence, PaulS, RIROCKHOUND, PLEASE show me a tax increase that (1) raises that kind of revenue, and (2) only impacts rich people. Show me that plan, and as God is my witness, I'll support it at the top of my lungs.
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