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Old 03-12-2013, 05:17 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
Spence, do you ever, and I mean ever, look at things objectively?
Always, that's probably why my posts look so foreign to you.

to your #1...yes, the FBI and municipal SWAT teams have snipers. Those snipers can only use lethal force when faced with immediate lethal harm. These drone attacks can kill an unarmed guy (albeit a terrorist) reading a book in a field, who is no imminent threat to anyone. These drones can't be used in hostage situations when a terrorist is holding a gun to the head of an innocent person.
Killing an unarmed terrorist reading a book in a field, who is no imminent threat doesn't even meet the ROE for a drone strike in Afghanistan. Why would it here at home?

to your #2, that's pure, wild speculation on your part...
Not speculation, it's simple reason.

I'm curious, Spence, as to why it's so wrong to waterboard a terrorist who is not a US citizen, but it's acceptable to kill an American citizen on American soil.
The two scenarios are not analogous.

As someone here posted...we actually have a President who thinks it's OK to kill an American citizen on US soil without due process, and at the same time, wants to give civilian trials (with all the rights therein) to foreign Al Queda terroists. So according to Obama, the constitution may apply to foreign-born Al Queda terrorists, but not to actual US citizens on US soil.
Nobody has ever said that, you're either making it up, are grossly misinformed or perhaps just a bit wacky.

Here's the rub. Would anybody have had an issue with the US Air Force shooting down one of the 9/11 planes? Nope. Would anybody have an issue with the US Air Force shooting down a plane loaded with explosives headed toward NYC? Nope...

Well, perhaps Rand would.

That's as perverse as it gets, and it's precisely what I'd expect from a 1960's Chicago radical who supports infanticide and goes to that deranged whackjob's church for 20 years. Somehow, we elected this idiotic, constitution-trampling, fascist twice, and therefore we deserve everything he's going to do to us. Unfortunately, Obama's policies will have a lasting painful legacy that will extend to our kids...
Ahhh, and out comes Mr. Hyde. I thought you were getting a bit wacky in that last paragraph.

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