Thread: fighting tuna
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Old 03-22-2013, 07:56 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by thefishingfreak View Post
There's no shame in handing the rod off. everyone would rather the fish on deck whatever it takes and Sometimes it takes a fresh angler. Plus your buddy can feel the pull for a little while too.
Although my good friend did this and is now and forever refered to as "Charlie HandOff
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

hahaha....right on.

It is not a matter of shame or embarrassment. More about I would
like to have my first to be a clean land, or have the sense of
accomplishment of landing one myself, as its not something I can
afford to do every day. After its off the checklist.....sure, line up
the brigade to help.

A few years ago, I spoke with a charter captain that I hired to fish
for striped bass. I knew he also targeted Bluefin, so I asked him
how often he had to finish for his client...his answer...."too often".

I don't want to go into this to be "that guy". If I am going to do it,
I want to do the whole thing. If I wanted someone to catch a fish
for me, I would go to the fish market.

Believe me....I hope that I do not eat my words. I am no Atlas, and
if I run into a beast its always possible that I might tap out. I was
joking to a friend about it....That instead of passing the rod, I will
probably pass out from exhaustion and the fish will pull me
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