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Old 04-02-2013, 08:57 AM   #21
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by likwid View Post
Seems the Soviets thought they could (afford another war) and look where that got them.
Seems to me, that the USSR collapsed not because of an additional war, but because they embraced many of the same socialist economic policies currently embraced by our Dear Leader.

At least the Soviets had the good sense to not try the socialist experiment when staggering numbers of their population were aging and soon to be looking for government assistance.

We are doing this at the worst possible time. 10,000 Americans a day turn 65, a trend that will last 15 more years. They are living longer. The medical care that keeps them living longer, is insanely expensive. And to top it all off, interest rates are about 0%, so we can't grow any of the money needed to provide the promised benefits.
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