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Old 04-03-2013, 08:14 AM   #2
Jim in CT
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JD, any rational person would really take your comments to heart, because (1) you are an entrepeneaur and can speak from real experience, and (2) you are not a right-wing nut job who bashes everything Obama does.

The timing of the impacts of Obamacare could be disastrous for the Democrats in the 2014 elections. Obamacare was the reason that the GOP opened up a major can of whoop-ass on the liberals in 2010, and that was when Obamacare was just a conceptual discussion. When people start to feel actual pain, it could really help the GOP in 2014.

If someone's bottom-line is actually impacted, it's a bit harder for the liberals to say that concern for Obamacare is merely a lie perpetuated by the racists at FauxNews.

There are 21 Democrat Senators up for election in 2014, and I believe only 14 Republicans. Many of the 21 Democrats are from purple and red states who rode Obama's coat-tails to victory in 2008. In 2014, they will have to stand on their own. If Obamacare does what you think it's going to do, those Democrats may be vulnerable, to say the least.
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