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Old 04-18-2013, 08:12 AM   #2
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Nebe View Post
Yes. It has been my observation that normal liberals are far more open minded than conservatives. Case in point - gay marriage. Racial equality. Etc. liberals are far more open to the views of people who are not like them.
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You have a valid point on the gay marriage thing.

But you are doing exactly what I stated that liberals are saying that liberal positions represent a more open-minded ideology than the conservative positions.

Nebe, how does abortion fit into your narrative that liberals are more open-mined and inclusive? Slaughter the voiceless baby if the mom decides they are inconvenient? yes, that just reeks of open-mindedness and inclusion, doesn't it?

I conceded (and actually stated before you did) that your side had a point on gay marriage. Perhaps yuo can show me the same courtesy here...

"liberals are far more open to the views of people who are not like them"

Like that professor at Columbia, who tried to incinerate those who disagreed with her?

Nebe, do you watch the news? Do you see what happens on college campuses when conservatives try to express their opinions? Did you read my post, where I stated the fact that liberals claim that many conservative positions (liek life and fiscal responsibility) represent hate and intolerance? That's open-minded to you?

It seems to me, your understanding of conservatives is at least as flawed as my understanding of liberals.

You say that conservatives love the military because we like being told what to do? That's ridiculous and insulting to anyone who has served. you think people like getting awakened at 5 AM and and told to go for a run, or to scrub a public toilet? No one likes that. People join the military, because they feel called to participate in a a selfless, valuable, necessary, dangerous, public service. For you to belittle that, and say vets join the military because we cannot think for ourselves, is dismissive.

Same thing on religion...catholics don't go to church because we need to be told what to do. I'm not anti-abortion because my church tells me to be. You could not be more wrong...on the contrary, I am catholic because they agree with my pro-life stance.

nebe, if your premise was true, then you must assume that if the pope said abortion was OK, that all Catholics would be pro-choice. Not even close. If and when the Catholic church supports abortion, I leave the church and find another one.

I missed that in my first read of your post. That was incredibly wrong-headed. And while I bet you didn't mean to be insulting, it was deeply offensive.

I'm a vet. I can't believe you would explicitly state that we love the military (and I did love it) because I am a simpleton who couldn't feed or dress myself unless my commanding officer told me how to do it.

I was a Marine Corps officer. I had to think on my feet, sometimes in tough situations, every single day. I've been in the military, and I've been in a competitive college. I could make a very compelling argument that the military can be better place to learn to think for yourself than college, where students are often asked simply to regurgitate.
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