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Old 04-20-2013, 03:49 PM   #115
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
How many have died or been shot in abortion clinic violence? Big difference...

I've never said that, and if that's what you think then clearly you haven't read a thing I've posted.

Oh brother...

Big difference, al Qaeda terrorists plot to kill massive numbers of innocent people in dramatic attacks without any warning.

That's the thing you don't seem to grasp. Lumping all these actions together under a common banner tarnishes the real threats for political purposes.

"How many have died or been shot in abortion clinic violence? Big difference..."

OK. So as long as any one abortion clininc bomber killed 3 or less (the lady at Columbia killed 3), you're telling me it's OK.

"Lumping all these actions together under a common banner tarnishes the real threats for political purposes. "

So tell us Spence...what's the maximum number of murders someone can commit (in the course of terrorism), before they are unfit to teach your kids?

I say zero.

You are the one who says you need to look at how angry they happened to be at the time, or whether ot was 3 or 4 innocent people that were incinerated, or whether or not MSNBC is sympathetic to the cause.

This lady at Columbia killed 3 innocent people in attempt to galvanize a left-led violent revolution in the US. This kid in Boston killed 4 people for who-knows-what reason.

The details of their crimes will differ. Regardless, they are both, without question, bloodthirsty homicidal maniacs. None have any business teaching our kids. If they get out of jail and want to scrub toilets from midnight until 6 AM, fine. You don't let them mold the minds of the next generation, unless you want more violence...
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