Thread: Hillary
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Old 05-09-2013, 07:33 AM   #12
Jim in CT
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No smoking gun unfortunately, but it was a validation of what any rational person would conclude...

- we got caught with our pants down by not having more adequate security in place. That happens to all presidents at some point, hopefully we at least learn from that.

- I still cannot believe that we didn't send in the cavalry. The notion that we couldn't send them in because we didn't know what was going on, is flimsy at best. That's what the special forces guys train for, they routinely get sent into situations with less than perfect knowledge of what is happening. They do that all the time. We also had drones flying overhead, which would provide more than enough information for them to go in and take care of business.

- then, the cover-up. The only plausible explanation is that the attack came right on the feels of the Democratic convention, where Obama claimed that, thanks to him, AL Queda was on the run, with no real capabilities. In order to avoid looking like he made false claims, the administration did everything they could, to hide the fact that it was a terrorist attack. Instead, they blame a US citizen who made a dopey video, which everyone knew had nothing whatsoever to do with the attack. That, right there, is the most inexcusable thing they did. In the process, they lied, they lied to all of us.

The TV stations, except one, will ignore the story, and Obama will emerge unscathed. The people (like me) who disliked him already, will dislike him more. His worshippers will continue to kiss his ring. And it will resurface when Hilary runs in 2016, but nothing seems to stick to her either, after all, her last name is Clinton.
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