Thread: Hillary
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Old 05-09-2013, 05:22 PM   #161
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
It's funny the link you posted. Even FOX News can't get (i.e. don't want to get) the story straight, they continue to push discredited information long past when it was debunked. They have a chronic problem with this you know...

That a few Dems go along with the House investigation isn't refuting any theory...well, that's if you can even call it an investigation. They didn't investigate anything.

The entire point of this tirade was to drum up media coverage.

"That a few Dems go along with the House investigation isn't refuting any theory"

The hell it doesn't. It refutes your theory that the hearings were a political witch hunt.

In your mind, if Fox lies, they have no credibility? So why do you hold Hilary in such regard, afetr she lied about being shot at? Have fun with that one! It seems that you are quite selective at being outraged by dishonesty? Or am I mistaken?
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