Thread: Hillary
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Old 05-11-2013, 06:41 PM   #199
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
You bring up a good point that's often overlooked.

I think people have become so used to the US acting with impunity in Iraq and Afghanistan that they believe we can just do what ever we please. The Libyan government didn't want US uniformed troops on their soil. We are trying to help rebuild the country as a partner rather than an invader.

When we moved the drones in over Benghazi we asked for permission first so we wouldn't interfere with their airspace.

And I don't see how you can describe Libya as a "hotbed of terrorism" in fact I think that's something that Jim just made up.

Ambassador Stevens used to go running outside in the streets of Benghazi. Certainly the security conditions were deteriorating but a "hotbed?". Does anyone think Stevens would have traveled on his own free will to a lightly protected facility if he thought it was a "hotbed of terrorism?"

"The Libyan government didn't want US uniformed troops on their soil"

Did you just make that up? What's that, reason #8 why no soldiers went in (there were none, there were some but they weren't armed correctly, there were some but they were too busy, there were some but we couldn't afford to gas up the plane, there were some but Libya wouldn't let them in."

"And I don't see how you can describe Libya as a "hotbed of terrorism""

There were terrorist threats to the embassy in Libya (valid threats, it would seem". Terrorism is the reason that the diplomats asked for more security...they weren't afraid of flashers...

"in fact I think that's something that Jim just made up."

I don't play that card, you do. Spence, put down "Audacity Of Hope", and google "Al Qaeda Libya",and see what you get. Let's see if you are honest enough to admit that prior to the attack in Benghazi, the whol intelligence world knew Al Queda was active in Libya.

"Does anyone think Stevens would have traveled on his own free will to a lightly protected facility if he thought it was a "hotbed of terrorism?""

It wasn't always lightly protected. revently, the state department drastically reduced the number of security personnel. Very perceptive move, no?

Spence, there are patriots in this country who will gladly worl in areas that we know are dangerous. We owe it to such patriots to support them. I guess you disagree.
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