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Old 05-18-2013, 03:49 PM   #35
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
You think they were out to stick it to the Tea Party?

Evidence so far just makes it look like an overburdened group was trying to be efficient. That they were targeting ideology doesn't mean it was political...

"You think they were out to stick it to the Tea Party?"

I think that's established fact at this point...that's what the IRS admitted, and it's why the interim director of the IRS got the axe.

"look like an overburdened group was trying to be efficient. "

They sought efficiency by flagging applications that had the words "tea party" in them. So you're saying the temporry head of the IRS got fired, because his employees were trying to be "efficient". That makes tons of sense.

This is probably the most absurd, dishonest thing you have ever posted. The IRS is admitting the bias, but you still won't admit it.

That's a nice culture of intolerance implemented by Obama. Republicans sit in the back of the bus, punish your enemies, conservatives cling to guns and religion because we are bitter and racist...are these the sentiments you want in a President?

Last edited by Jim in CT; 05-18-2013 at 03:57 PM..
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