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Old 05-20-2013, 10:22 AM   #49
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
I'm not sure that's true. My understanding is that the Whitehouse has little influence over the IRS for obvious reasons. Most government bonuses are automatic (rather than discretionary). There is a special award bonus program that the President does sign, but the recipients are nominated by their leadership up through the ranks...given her pay and the bonus numbers thrown out it doesn't sound like she was awarded a special bonus.

The formula here is becoming pretty clear. Assume the "scandal" then toss out bits of information accurate or not regardless of context to further the story.

That's not how you investigate, it's how you confuse.

"My understanding is that the Whitehouse has little influence over the IRS "

At a minimum, the White House selects the Treasury Secretary who oversees the IRS. In this case, Obama selected a tax dodger, but we can save that for later...

"Most government bonuses are automatic "

That's a problem, then...

"The formula here is becoming pretty clear. Assume the "scandal" then toss out bits of information accurate or not regardless of context to further the story."

Of course, there are Obama-bashers who will exaggerate or fabricate. The flip side of that coin is you, who will go to any length to deny any criticism, valid or not, be directed at Obama. You have to admit, you're a heck of a cheerleader for the guy, Johnny Carson didn't have so loyal an ally in Ed McMahon. You're like Dwight Schrute to Michael Scott on 'The Office'.

Spence, Obama has a demonstrable history of being less than tolerant to those on my side (Republicans should sit in the back of the bus, we cling to guns and religion because we are bitter and racist, liberals should punish their enemies, Romney is suffering from 'Romnesia' - haw-haw!!). Can you deny that with a straight face? This IRS thing, while there is no direct evidence to Obama, is awfully consistent with the cutlure Obama has brought with his's an obvious, demonstrable culture of intolerance towards conservatives.
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