Thread: Wilson?
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Old 09-22-2017, 01:05 PM   #1
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Join Date: Jun 2011
Posts: 2,055

Sometimes I find myself attached to specific plugs. The plugs that I have
caught fish on and shared success with.

They get beat up with a rash and a patina that transforms them from just
a cookie cutter plug from a batch the builder created....into an an individual
that is separated from its original form. It becomes a partner that I fish
with every outing.

It is a sort of right of passage that plugs make when they reach full
transformation. As a plug proves its worth it gains its mojo and confidence.
It has a link with me and my fishing style.

Sometimes I find myself with a heartbreak and separation depression when I
loose one of these transformed plugs.

Recently I lost a darter. I had been crushing fish all spring on this darter.
It was my buddy. I lost it by neglect. It somehow floated out of my bag as
a swam from a rock. I think I forgot to punch the velcro.

I sort of unraveled a little. As I noticed it was gone, I put on the brights to
try to find it and I searched the surfline and the shore. I even looked again
at a different stage of tide as I past the spot at the end of my outing. The
next day I looked yet again and disguised my search as a scouting mission,
but Wilson must have floated off on the tide.

"I am sorry Wilson!!!!....."

Wilson floated away and is alone somewhere in the atlantic ocean. I hope
one of you finds him and give him a place in your plug bag.

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