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Old 10-13-2015, 09:59 AM   #24
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
I agree once Hill came forward politics prob. took over and unfortunately that always happens. However, at this point 7-8? investigations have found nothing and the time to drop it has long past by (not move on to looking at emails). I don't think there was ever any evidence Clinton ordered the military to stand down.
Has Hilary testified under oath, about Benghazi yet? I doubt she told the military to stand down. I'd like to know why she authorized the State Dept to say it was all a reaction to a youtube video, when no one in their right mind really thought that. That's a fair question (I think), and she has to explain her actions on that front if she wants to be POTUS.

If it turns out to be nothing more than a political witchhunt, the Republicans should have to answer for that. We have too many huge problems to fix, to spend resources on a political attack.
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