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Old 05-14-2014, 10:56 AM   #24
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
. It's not that there's any evidence Obama was out to lunch and this had a negative impact on our response, none at all.

Most of the Benghazi issues follow a similar thread. Wrap tin-foil around head, play connect the dots, then relentlessly pursue evidence to support your thinking. When you don't find any, it's not because your thinking is wrong, it's that you just haven't looked hard enough.

Same BS that got us into Iraq after 9/11. As #^&#^&#^&#^& Cheney famously once said about the Atta meeting in Prague when challenged on the lack of basis...well, it hasn't totally been shot down either.

"It's not that there's any evidence Obama was out to lunch and this had a negative impact on our response, none at all. "

Similar to Jimmy Carter, chances are our folks under attack would be better off if the military leaders sent Obama out to get some magic beans while they handled this.

"relentlessly pursue evidence to support your thinking. When you don't find any, it's not because your thinking is wrong, it's that you just haven't looked hard enough."

Spence, you keep making fun at people who say there are unanswered questions. yet when I ask you which special forces teams were put on the move and when, what I get from you is either (1) that's been answered already, or (2) they were no troops close enough to get there within 12 hours. Those kinds of responses (either overly vague or outright nonsense) will result in people wanting more details. Neither you nor your hero seem to grasp that.

The hearings are coming. I cannot wait to watch Gowdy refuse to let anyone whitewash this. He is absolutely the perfect choice. If he scores political points, he's really going places. I'm sure that's on ereason why he wa spicked, he's being groomed for bigger things.
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