Thread: Oh boy....
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Old 09-21-2020, 01:39 PM   #118
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
Kudlow is lying in regards to recovery with 30M unemployed without benefits, Barr is declaring cities ‘Anarchist jurisdictions’, Azar is taking control of CDC and stripping data from covid guidelines while we have 200k dead and GOP is planning to install a SCOTUS pick 40 days from election.
You’re claiming the Dems made them do it, some pretty pathetic heroes you have.
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"Barr is declaring cities ‘Anarchist jurisdictions’"

What would you call cities that allow anarchists to set up autonomous zones?

"GOP is planning to install a SCOTUS pick 40 days from election. "

Because a SCOTUS judge died 40 days before the election. Read the constitution. It allows for this. Calm down.

"You’re claiming the Dems made them do it, some pretty pathetic heroes you have."

Damn right the dems made them do it. George W Bush chose to play nice while he was attacked. It didn't work. SO there's no value in fighting with one hand tied behind your back while your opponent uses two hands with brass knuckles. I don't expect them nor do I want them, to hand the keys to a bunch of baby killing, racist, Godless, Marxist freaks who are so screwed up, that they no longer concede genders.

The last places on Earth I look for heroes, are sports, Hollywood, and politics. So I cannot imagine what I ever said, that would lead you to believe I'd call them heroic. But my side does have Tom Cotton, Dan Crenshaw, Tim Scott, the terrific young AG from KY (watch that kid's star rise). I'll put them up against anyone on the other side, anyone. How do Talib and AOC compare?

Last edited by Jim in CT; 09-21-2020 at 01:57 PM..
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