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Old 08-15-2011, 08:54 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
I know it is a lot for you to read at one time. If it helps try thinking about baseball.

you've become even nastier than Paul Krugman...perhaps more demented too..if they gave out a Nobel Prize for cranky, delusional leftists...well....

it's excessively long...and boring.. because he's used twice as many words as was necessary to try to impress the progressives...

June 24, 2011
Paul Krugman: It's Not the Madmen in Authority, It's the Fact That the Academic Scribblers Are Mad...

The Triumph of Bad Ideas: Bill Gross of Pimco calls for more fiscal stimulus and denounces the “anti-Keynesian” consensus. Now he tells us. But can we note just how bizarre our situation is? Keynesian economics has actually come through the crisis with flying colors. The only knock on it is the “Obama tried stimulus and it failed, neener neener” thing — but those of us who took our Keynesianism seriously warned literally from the beginning that the stimulus was far too small. And yet in the political domain Keynesianism is seen as discredited, while various forms of crowding out/austerity is expansionary talk, which have in fact totally failed — look at interest rates! — have become orthodoxy.

concensus...concensus...where have I heard that bef--...ohhh...this means that Bill Gross is a D-E-N-I-E-R!!!!!

Great argument for Keynes

FAREED ZAKARIA, HOST: 'But even if you were, wouldn't John Maynard Keynes say that if you could employ people to dig a ditch and then fill it up again, that's fine, they're being productively employed, they'd pay taxes, so maybe Boston's Big Dig was just fine after all."

So in Zakaria's view, the government employing people to do absolutely nothing of value would fix the economy.

Krugman..."the stimulus wasn't nearly big enough"
Gross...."more fiscal stimulus"-government spending
Fareed Z...."dig holes and fill them in to stimulate the economy"

Jeffrey Sachs..."Sachs says he would've been fine with a massive stimulus that had been focused on green jobs, "in which the fall in consumer spending would be offset by investments in sustainable energy."-Ezra Klein

like this one
hey, how many Obama touted Green Jobs Companies have gone belly up now and how much has it cost the tax payers???

these guys are great I think we've located Spence's "most economists"

arguing for bigger government, more spending and "stimulus", a more statist approach BRILLIANT!!....and citing the Three Stooges of Keynesian economics and Crony Capitalism...Fareed Z, Krugman and Immelt, that's just novel.............wonder if Fareed and Gross know that Krugman recently called for an alien invasion to stimulate military sending to bring the economy back?...

On Sunday's "Fareed Zakaria GPS," New York Times columnist - and, ahem, Nobel laureate - Paul Krugman actually advocated space aliens attack earth thereby requiring a massive defense buildup by the United States that would stimulate the economy.

it's clear Spence that you would be far more comfortable in one of those little socialist countries across the pond

Last edited by scottw; 08-15-2011 at 10:55 PM..
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