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Old 10-02-2013, 10:58 AM   #20
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
Jim, it has very little to do with anything you just said.

The point is, Congress people will act like Congress people. They're concerned primarily with personal impact and one sided agendas. This is crystal clear with the current House behavior. Cruze's motivation is establishing himself on the National stage to run for President, House Republicans are generally terrified that more Tea Party candidates are going to back stab them in the primaries.

Obama simply said that as President he saw you need a broader perspective.

OK. So when Obama was bashing Bush, it was just politcs as usual. Sounds like that's what you are saying, and I agree with that.

But if that's the case, where does Obama get off running on a promise to "end politics as usual". If Obama knew that Bush had to raise the debt ceiling, but bashed him anyway to score political points with his base, from where does Obama get the nerve to say he'll do things differently? Isn't that level of dishonesty a character flaw?

Here's the thing, Spence. That type of politics (attacking a proposal that you know is necessary) is dangerous. That's exactly what your side is doing when conservatives suggest necessary cuts to Social Security and Medicare (witness the ads showing Paul Ryan pushing a wheelchair-bound old lady off a cliff, boy that's honest). On some issues, that tactic is very dangerous.

How about we elect someone who is above that? Paul Ryan could have said during the campaign "elect me, and I'll give you all a blank check!". But he didn't. He said cuts were necessary, and your side attacked him for it. Congratulations.
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