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Old 07-25-2018, 01:56 PM   #23
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
Theft of IP is a legit issue. I think the Chinese manipulation of currency used to be a problem but is old news. We don't have significant trade issues with pretty much all of the Western world. NAFTA wasn't a bad thing. Bailing out of the TPP was foolish.

But just because we have a trade imbalance with a nation doesn't mean it's necessarily a bad thing. So we have a large trade deficit with China, a lot of that is because Americans like affordable stuff and we don't understand their markets.
"But just because we have a trade imbalance with a nation doesn't mean it's necessarily a bad thing."

And I presume that's exactly how some people are reacting, that an imbalance is bad. I agree.

"we have a large trade deficit with China, a lot of that is because Americans like affordable stuff and we don't understand their markets"

I agree with that too, can't disagree with that.

SO I sit just theft of IP and currency manipulation? There aren't tariffs that our exports get slammed with (levied by the importing countries) that can be re-negotiated,?
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