Thread: Illegal Mexican
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Old 09-26-2018, 10:45 AM   #30
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
Do you think any of the illegal workers prefer the current non system to being able to go to the border, present their work visa, get on a bus or drive their car, work for a while, go home to visit and come back.
They don't come here because they can't find work here, they can find it.
The other question is why corporate america employs cheap immigrant labor.
You could look at the dairy industry where we have more and more large farms that need cheap labor to make their model work because we don't control prices, meanwhile Canada sets a dairy price and small farms can be profitable, they don't have to bring in cheap workers.
Farmers have relocated to Canada from the US because they can have a profitable small farm.
Meanwhile in the US we have fewer and larger farms but no fewer cows.
Price controls lead to higher prices. Canadians pay more for milk and dairy products than Americans. Price control also depends on high tariffs against foreign dairy products. The Tariffs not only eliminate the competition which could severely hurt Canadian dairy farmers, but they constrict the quantity and variety of dairy products, including cheese able to be sold to Canadian consumers. And the small Canadian farms have actually greatly decreased. The Canadian dairy cartel protects its existing members from competition, so the idea that American dairy farmers can easily move their farms to Canada is not viable for many. Both American and Canadian small dairy farmers have lost numbers to larger mechanized producers who are the greater threat to the small farms.

So if you think price controls and tariffs rather than free market are the way to go, be prepared for high prices, limited quantity and variety and lack of competition. Which all, of course, lead to the larger, more efficient farm models--you know, the corporatist model that you don't like.

Here's a negative Canadian view:
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