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Old 07-18-2018, 08:53 PM   #55
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Originally Posted by Got Stripers View Post
So what ae the desired results from an X super power, with little to offer us and if it’s obtained via cyber meddling or some sort of dirt; does that not raise concerns?
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I'm not getting it. When it comes to negotiating with Putin, he supposedly has nothing worth our while to offer us. On the other hand, he supposedly has this enormous power to meddle in our affairs and somehow destroy our so-called democracy. (We don't actually have a democracy, and for good reason . . .although, there ARE those who understand how democracies can easily be tools of authoritarian regimes and want to convert us to one. That conversion can psychologically be implanted in our minds by constantly referring to "our democracy.")

I dunno . . . what did China have to offer us when Nixon negotiated with it. It was geopolitically less powerful then than Russia is now. Now, Russia, China, and other nations in both hemispheres are joining each other in an economic relationship whose objective is to replace the US as the hegemonic world economic and military power, and to replace the dollar as the reserve currency.

Is there some possibility to change the direction of that movement? Is there a way, peacefully, over time, to draw all nations into a worldwide economic and cultural competition and/or cooperation that benefits everybody? Does Western Europe's disinclination to powerfully arm itself open the door to Russian and Eastern powers to threaten it and thus embolden those powers to destroy and dominate rather than come to the table and create a diverse worldwide community of friendly competitors?

I don't know what's in Trump's mind. And I don't understand how so many anti-Trumpers absolutely claim to know what he thinks or why he says and does what he does. He's done some good things. Maybe there's more to come. I'm not all hyperbolic about him destroying Western Civilization, nor this country.

He claims to be a negotiator. Negotiators operate differently than adversaries or warmongers. Maybe you're right that he'll eff everything up. I don't think he even has the power to do so. I prefer to wait until Trump actually does something rather than bitch about what I "know" he'll do.

And what has been going on up till now ain't all that good . . . at least it appears few think it is if all the screeching from all directions means anything. It has the appearance of OK to some, but others see a worldwide rise in national debts and the direction unabatedly continuing that way. And there are all the degradations of long standing social norms that have no definition or basic meaning . . . or the political animosities . . . or the ever-present potential for war. . . yada yada yada, you know the drill.

Hey, to rephrase a Beatles' mantra, "give Trump a chance." OK, OK, I realize y'all can't do that . . . y'all continue on with your nice hyperventilation. I'll step aside as the ignorant dummie while y'all really good experts and wizard fortune tellers tell us what's really going on.

Hey, you win again. Maybe, like Trump said, you'll get tired of winning.
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